How to win when predictions fail.
How to win when predictions fail.
Strategy assumes predictability while neostrategy is designed for unpredictable and complex environments. It provides decision-making methods and a revolutionary framework for understanding organizations. Neostrategy™ is informed by complexity science, cybernetics, and evolutionary biology, yet is designed for intelligent executives.
Intelligence is the awareness of ignorance (not the omission of it) and the courage to learn something new. Intelligent leaders are naturally curious about what they don’t know. They welcome alternative perspectives to challenge their intuitions. In that respect, neostrategy challenges the conventional wisdom of strategy, planning, and industrial-age thinking.
Noah Komnick. I was the weird kid in school who enjoyed word problems, and I still do. Former military planner, cyber strategist, and technology executive. Areas of expertise are management, leadership, and technology (PhD). Interdisciplinary research in cybernetics, complexity science, and evolutionary biology. But at heart, I’m a scientist with integrity who enjoys helping other people win.
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